Village Life Project was birthed in response to generations of systemic racism, inequity, redlining, economic oppression, miseducation, dehumanization, and mass incarceration. From the enslavement of African peoples, to the genocidal erasure and displacement of the Indigenous peoples, on to the war on drugs, police brutality, homelessness, unemployment, self hate, and black on black crime. Certain groups have long been taught that in order for them to thrive they must oppress other groups of people. Village Life Project rejects that premise and advances practices of cooperation and collaboration.
Our vision is thriving youth, young adults, and families who contribute to a healthy global community.
Our mission is to disrupt the preschool to prison pipeline by forwarding the development of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (S. T. E. A. M.) scholarship in the African American populace and providing solutions to contemporary global problems impacting the African Diaspora.
Our core values are excellence, leadership, service, and truth, and through industry leading youth and family services, reentry supports, speaking and training services, and spiritual and physical fitness courses Village Life Project seeks to repair the damage to society caused by selfish and marginalizing mindsets, policies, and practices that have harmed the larger community.
Village Life Project partners with concerned and committed stakeholders to realize a nation that thrives when all village members contribute to community wellbeing.
We facilitate programming and foster collaborations with other organizations to increase the impact of community efforts aimed at restoration, repair, and renewal.
We Outside
“We Outside” provides resources, support, guidance, incentive, and opportunity to encourage youth to go outside and play. We do this by providing access and equipment necessary for youth, from low-income families, and underserved and marginalized communities, to participate in outdoor recreational activities like cycling, golf, and tennis and increase enjoyment of King County parks and greenspaces. The “We Outside” program improves health outcomes and reduces health disparities in underserved communities by providing low and no cost access to these recreational opportunities for youth who would not otherwise be able to participate. The “We Outside” program is also intentional about recruiting, coaches, mentors, volunteers, and content experts who are from the communities and populations being addressed. This representation in leadership increases youth participation levels and motivates both the instructors and the youth as they witness the positive impact that participation in the “We Outside” program has on their community’s overall health and social wellbeing.
Y.E.S For Peaceful Leadership
The Village Life Project will implement an evidence-informed Youth Empowerment Solutions (Y.E.S.) for Peaceful Leadership program. The program is to be rooted in a comprehensive understanding of the unique needs of communities impacted by firearm violence and the systemic inequities stemming from the war on drugs.
H.O.P.E. Reentry Program
Dozens of formerly incarcerated people return to King County each month. Without H.O.P.E.’s safety net during this acute period, recidivism is a substantial probability. H.O.P.E. targets reducing recidivism to less than 15% for successful participants.
H.O.P.E. Reentry Program provides returning citizens with the knowledge, skills, and support to break the cycle of crime and punishment.
H.O.P.E. also addresses issues of poverty, crime, and racial injustice in the criminal justice system in our efforts to nurture healthy thriving communities.
The Kukomaa program provides wisdom school curriculum and Rite of Passage programming to support youth in their transition from child to adolescent.
The Kukomaa program fosters self-development and helps participants cultivate the ability to make wise choices and decisions, make meaning from life experiences, and identify and embrace positive goals and values.
Highway to Tech
We envision a world in which black men, women, and families are thriving and have achieved social and economic power through careers in tech. Our vision is to see people of color thriving through economic stability and liberation and to realize a society where marginalized citizens are given the opportunity to gain the skills that will allow them to break cycles of incarceration, avoid poverty, unemployment, low-income designations, equip them to comfortably provide for their families, and empower them to become contributing members of their communities.
Our mission is to prepare and place African American young adults into careers in technology, while advocating for inclusive fair chance hiring in the tech industry.
Our intention is to counter generations of systemic inequity by providing African American youth and young adults with the education, employment, and support services needed for them to acquire and advance in thriving wage careers in the technology industry.